
We would like to congratulate the winner of the VDI Bachelor Prize, Paul Westernacher! Supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandro Wartzack, he wrote his outstanding bachelor thesis entitled: “Investigation of the developability of surfaces of topology-optimized geometry with regard to production suitabi...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein

Study abroad in 2025/2026? Don't miss the first deadline on the 15th of November! Get all the information and tips abpt your time abroad during the hybrid International Day on the 5th of November! Check for the details!

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein

For all first-year students in the Bachelor's degree programmes MB, MECH, WING, IP, ACES for WS 2023/24, as well as for beginners in the Master MB, MECH, WING, ACES we offer introductory events. All information here.

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein